How Much Does a Small Business Website Cost in 2023? A Comprehensive Guide

Alex Palmiere
September 12, 2023
minute read

You’ve decided to build a website in 2023, and you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level. But with so many factors to consider, “how much do websites cost?” is a question that often arises. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the various components that contribute to website costs, compare different website building options, and explore essential features that can impact your bottom line. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions and maximize your online investment.

Key Takeaways

  • This article gives a list of factors that affect website costs in 2023.
  • It goes into depth on the costs of design and customization expenses, because those are frequently the largest single factor in website costs.
  • It compares options across a variety of budgets; from simple templated website builders like Wix and Squarespace, all the way to building a fully custom website. It describes a best-of-both-worlds approach where a professional designer leverages a website builder to balance quality and cost.
  • It talks about other factors that influence costs, like content management systems, maintenance, and web hosting costs.

Understanding the Factors that Affect Website Costs

Just like building a house, the cost and process for building a website can vary greatly depending on the amount of customization you need.
Just like building a house, the cost and process for building a website can vary greatly depending on the amount of customization you need.

When it comes to website costs, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Several factors can influence the total expense, including:

  • Design and customization
  • Web hosting costs
  • Addons like Ecommerce, analytics, and other featurea

Understanding these variables can help you make informed decisions and choose the right website building platform for your needs.

We’ll explore each of these factors to paint a clearer picture of the potential costs tied to website development in 2023.

Domain Name Costs

You may already have a domain name for your website, but if you don't, this will be your first decision (and first cost). Your domain name is your website’s address on the internet, making it an essential component of your online presence.

Domain name costs typically range from $10 to $60 annually for small business websites, although because there are so many domains registered it can often be difficult to find one that works for your business. Finding a good domain name can be a struggle, but if you're looking for tips and tricks on finding a domain name, things to avoid, or even just how to buy one, this article can help.

Design and Customization Expenses

Design and customization will be the biggest factor in your website's cost. Do-it-yourself (DIY) website builders, such as Webflow, Wix or Squarespace, offer the most cost-effective option, with prices ranging from $5 to $50 per month. These platforms provide user-friendly tools and templates that allow you to create a visually appealing website without any coding knowledge, especially if you use one of their built-in templates.

However, the level of customization and uniqueness will be very limited compared to a custom website built by a professional web designer, and changes that don't fit the template or level of functionality can be difficult.

If you are looking for more customization or a unique design, and if you have the budget, contracting a professional web designer or agency could be your best option. The cost of web design for business websites, typically ranges from $2,000 to $75,000. It's a big range, but that range is based on the number of pages in the site, the number of unique templates or designs included, stock photography licenses, and other factors.

You can hire an individual through a platform like Upwork. They usually charge an hourly rate between $50 and $100. Design agencies will typically want to understand your requirements before giving you a cost estimate. You can use a site like Clutch to research typical prices for a design firm to understand what you'll need to budget.

Web Hosting Plans and Pricing

Once it's designed, your website has to exist somewhere so that people can access it. Web hosting firms specialize in supporting websites online, and they typically charge monthly or annually. If you are using a website builder like Webflow, hosting will be included in your ongoing costs. However, even with a website builder you should expect your cost for website hosting to increase as you get more traffic, since servers need to be more powerful to handle additional usage.

It's also possible to host your website with a dedicated provider if you have a unique site or didn't use a website builder. Dedicated providers typically charge more, but offer more of a full-service support model. If you are looking for a rule of thumb, you generally shouldn't consider a dedicated hosting provider unless you have a full-time IT person on your staff. Otherwise you could be overwhelmed with the overhead of managing your website infrastructure.  

Ecommerce Functionality and Costs

For businesses looking to sell products or services online, ecommerce functionality is a critical factor in determining website costs. Ecommerce platforms like Shopify offer all-in-one solutions with pricing plans starting at $29 per month, making it easy and affordable to build an online store.

However, integrating ecommerce functionality into your ecommerce website can range from $2,000 to $25,000, depending on the size of your business and the number of products offered.

Bear in mind that ecommerce platforms may include extra app charges for features like shipping, marketing, and social media integration. These costs can add up, so it’s essential to consider them when estimating your overall website expenses.

Comparing Website Building Options

With so many options to choose from, deciding on a website can be as hard as deciding on a house.
With so many options to choose from, deciding on a website can be as hard as deciding on a house.

With a better understanding of the factors that affect website costs, it’s time to explore the various website building options available to you. We’ll now compare basic website builders, Webflow as a website builder with powerful customization tools, and the option of hiring a professional web designer, discussing the costs and benefits of each to aid you in making an informed decision.

Website Builders: Cost and Benefits

Using a website builder can be cost-effective, but your website might look a lot like everyone else's.
Using a website builder can be cost-effective, but your website might look a lot like everyone else's.

Website builders offer cost-effective solutions for individuals and small businesses looking to create a website without breaking the bank. These platforms provide easy-to-use design tools, hosting, and domain services, allowing you to build a website with limited technical expertise. The website builder prices typically range from $5 to $50 per month, depending on the platform and plan selected.

In addition to their affordability, website builders also offer a range of features and templates to help you get started quickly. Many website builders, such as Wix or Squarespace, even provide a free plan with limited features, allowing you to test the platform before committing to a paid plan. However, be aware that these platforms might provide fewer customization options compared to a custom website created by a professional web designer.

Overall, website builders are an excellent choice for those with limited technical skills or a very tight budget, who are willing to live with the limitations of these platforms. They provide a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for creating a visually appealing website without the need for coding knowledge or a large financial investment.

Webflow: Costs and Flexibility

Of the available no-code website builders, Webflow has enough functionality to generate a high-quality website at a reasonable price.
Of the available no-code website builders, Webflow has enough functionality to generate a high-quality website at a reasonable price.

Webflow is another website building option that offers more flexibility and customization compared to traditional website builders. Like other website builders, Webflow allows you to create and publish websites without coding knowledge, but it provides a more powerful visual interface and content management system.

The cost of Webflow varies depending on the plan selected, offering different levels of features, storage, and support. While Webflow might carry a slightly higher price tag than some website builders, its enhanced flexibility and customization options make it an appealing choice for those desiring more control over their website’s design and functionality.

Hiring a Professional Web Designer: Costs and Expertise

Hiring a website design firm will give you the most flexibility and options for customization, but it can be expensive.
Hiring a website design firm will give you the most flexibility and options for customization, but it can be expensive.

If you’re looking for the highest level of customization and expertise, hiring a professional web designer may be the best option for you. Although this option tends to come with a higher cost compared to website builders and Webflow, it offers the advantage of a tailor-made website that accurately reflects your brand and meets your specific requirements.

The cost of hiring a professional web designer can vary widely, depending on factors such as the scope of the project and the designer’s experience. As mentioned earlier, freelance web designers typically charge an hourly rate between $50 and $100, while agencies may charge a flat rate for the project. When deciding whether to hire a professional web designer, it’s vital to consider both your budget and the level of customization you require.

Webflow Design Firms: A Balance of Quality and Affordability

It's important to note that these options are not exclusive. One way to get the quality and visual appeal of a website from a design firm at a more affordable price point for a small business is to hire a design firm that specializes in a website builder like Webflow.

Firms like ‍Refresh Digital Strategy, with its expertise in Webflow development and digital consulting, leverage Webflow's ease of use and pre-built functionality to minimize development time and ensure your site is easy to maintain. This lets them spend time and energy focusing on the aspects of a website that make your business unique, helping you manage costs.

Essential Website Features and Their Costs

Ensuring you have the right features can mean the difference between a beautiful website and one that doesn't make you happy.
Ensuring you have the right features can mean the difference between a beautiful website and one that doesn't make you happy.

Beyond a stunning design and great content, your business might need specific functionality included. Maybe you sell directly to consumers, or maybe you have a product catalog you want customers to be able to access. There are also things you might not be thinking of, like customer service functionality or analytics to let you know how your website is performing. These features can significantly impact your overall website costs and should be factored into your budget.

We’ll examine each of these critical features and their associated costs to assist you in making informed decisions during your website’s construction.

Content Management Systems: Costs and Usability

Content management systems (CMS) are software applications that enable you to generate, organize, and modify dynamic content on your website. An example of this is an automotive parts supplier that wants to list its catalog online, or a real estate firm that wants to list properties for sale. Website builders like Webflow bundle CMS functionality at a small additional cost depending on how extensive your requirements are, but depending on your needs you might need a standalone version to integrate into your site. Joomla and Drupal are two popular standalone CMS platforms, each offering varying degrees of usability and functionality.

Choosing a content management system requires consideration of factors like ease of use, available features, and compatibility with your selected website building platform. A CMS that aligns with your needs and skill level can significantly simplify the process of managing your website’s content and ensure a more seamless user experience.

Additional Options

While these are likely to be included in your maintenance cost, for larger businesses some of them can be significant enough to be worth mentioning:

  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): If you use a website builder this will generally be included for you, but if you have a dedicated server you might need to pay for this separately. An SSL certificate is what ensures that data going from your server to your users and back is encrypted, so third-parties and hackers can't access it.
  • Analytics: Google Analytics is the most popular option and is free, but it can be complex. Many small businesses find they need additional work to get it set up properly for them, often at significant expense. Organizations like Refresh Digital Strategy can use built-in support from Webflow to help you manage this risk, if they are the ones building your website.
  • Chat and customer support widgets: Chat has become a very popular tool to integrate in websites. It's the digital equivalent of having a store worker greet anyone who walks in the door. Costs for these tools can vary from free to several hundred dollars per month. If you are using a designer for your site you'll want to discuss whether you need this functionality, because while they are easy to integrate, there are a number of considerations like placement and workflow that need to be considered.

When evaluating third-party integrations, it’s crucial to balance their benefits against their costs. Integrations that offer significant value and improved functionality for your website may be worth the investment, while others may not be necessary for your specific needs. By carefully selecting the most relevant and useful third-party integrations, you can optimize your website’s performance without overspending on unnecessary features.

Website Maintenance and Ongoing Costs

Just like home ownership, having a website requires regular maintenance.
Just like home ownership, having a website requires regular maintenance.

Building your own website, especially a small business website, is a lot like getting a puppy. Whatever the up-front costs, it's really the ongoing costs both in dollars and time that add up. Here are some things to think about.

Regular Updates and Backups

If you hired a design firm to build your site from scratch, or you're using a CMS or other complex integration, you'll likely need to worry about keeping it up to date. Typically your web hosting provider will include this as part of their service, but it's important to understand what that cost is and who's responsible.

Backing up your data is also something to consider if you've built a custom site. This will almost certainly be taken care of by your provider, but it's important to make sure.

If you're using a website builder like Webflow, good news! Those platforms take care of updates and backups for you. One less action item off your plate.

Content Creation and Marketing Expenses

Beyond website maintenance, investing in content creation and marketing is crucial to draw visitors and engage your audience. Content creation includes hiring writers to produce blog posts, articles, and other written content, and you might need to invest in search engine optimization (SEO) services, social media marketing, and email marketing campaigns.

The costs associated with content creation and marketing can vary widely depending on the chosen strategies and level of investment. Content marketing services, for example, typically range from $2,000 to $10,000 per month, while SEO services can cost between $1,500 and $5,000 per month.

By carefully selecting the most effective content creation and marketing strategies for your business, you can maximize your online presence and attract more visitors to your website.


Getting a website that fits your business is just like buying your dream home.
Getting a website that fits your business is just like buying your dream home.

Building and maintaining a website in 2023 involves a range of costs and considerations. From  design and customization to hosting and essential features, each component plays a crucial role in determining your overall website expenses. By understanding the factors that affect website costs and carefully evaluating the different website building options available, you can make informed decisions that align with your budget and goals.

Investing in a well-designed and functional website is essential for any business or individual looking to establish a strong online presence. With the right combination of website building tools, solid design, and a strategy for keeping it up to date, you can create a successful and engaging digital hub that meets the needs of your audience and drives your online success.

Refresh Digital Strategy, your partner in Webflow development and digital consulting, is your trusted partner through the website design and development process. There are a lot of factors to consider, and our expertise in Webflow development keeps your costs low, and our ability to handle additional services like branding, strategy, maintenance, SEO, and more, can help guide you on your journey to a website you can be proud of.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a website cost per month?

Website costs vary depending on a range of factors, but typically you can expect to pay between $15 and $300 a month for something built and hosted on a website builder. Larger firms that have more specific requirements can expect to pay more, often several thousand a month.

What is the average cost of a good website design?

A basic website builder with an off-the-shelf template will cost you around $200 upfront and $50 per month for upkeep. For more projects with complex requirements or where a unique design is critical, you could be looking at an upfront cost of up to $30,000 with a yearly maintenance fee of $4,000 to $60,000.

How much does it cost to run a website for 1 year?

The cost to run a website for 1 year can range from $400-$60,000, depending on the complexity of the website and services required. Your design and maintenance requirements will play a big factor in the range here.

How much does it cost to build a website in 2023?

The cost of building a website in 2023 can vary widely depending on the scope of the project. Factors such as domain names, design and customization, web hosting, and ecommerce functionality all play a role in determining the final cost.

What are the costs associated with website maintenance?

Website maintenance costs can include regular updates, backups, content creation and marketing expenses to keep the website running smoothly.

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