Refresh Digital Strategy in Review: 2023 Edition

Morgan Miller
December 21, 2023
minute read

As we bid farewell to 2023, we at Refresh Digital Strategy are filled with gratitude and pride for such an eventful yet fulfilling 2023. This year was not just about growing our brand; it was about elevating our clients' digital presence and setting new benchmarks in the industry, including our recent merger. Bringing Starta Strategies and Refresh Digital Strategy under one roof has expanded our capabilities. 

The milestones we achieved this year are a testament to the synergy between our two original teams, encompassing pre- and post-merger periods. 

Social Media Success

We took our social media game to the next level, both for our own brands and our clients. Together, we published more than 4,000 social posts tailored to engage, inspire, and convert their respective audiences. Our strategy wasn't just about numbers but about making every post count.

Graphic Creations

Creativity was at the heart of our mission. We designed 1,595 pieces of content on Canva, each reflecting our clients' unique voice and vision. These pieces weren't just visually appealing; they were powerful tools in storytelling.

Newsletters, Newsletters, and More Newsletters

In 2023, we heavily focused on amplifying our clients' voices through carefully crafted email newsletters. Our team designed and sent out 184 custom newsletters both in our weekly Monday Morning Memo newsletter and on behalf of our clients. Through these newsletters, we helped our clients stay connected with their communities and enabled them to showcase thought leadership, share updates, and drive significant engagement to their website and key pieces of content.

New Partnerships and Team Growth

We are thrilled to have welcomed 37 new clients this year, expanding our diverse portfolio of clientele. We also added two talented individuals to our team, each bringing fresh perspectives and skills. We are excited to head into 2024 with a core team of six individuals ready to conquer your digital marketing goals.

Webflow Wins

We’re excited to say we launched 24 websites this year, each a testament to our team's expertise and clients' visions. We firmly believe an organization cannot succeed without a visually appealing, responsive, high-converting website. Every website was built on Webflow, utilizing industry best practices, top-tier design, and search engine optimization.

Blogging Breakthroughs

2023 was a year of prolific content creation in the blogging sphere. We published a combined total of 59 blog articles, a number that reflects both our in-house efforts and the bespoke content crafted for our clients.

Productive Hours

In 2023, we estimated that our team spent over 9,500 hours on projects, client calls, brainstorming sessions, content creation, and more.

Caffeine Counts

Yes, we counted our coffee runs too! We had more than 200 of them across our whole team, fueling our creativity and collaboration. Our team's favorites are iced chai lattes, hot white mochas, iced caramel macchiatos, black coffees, and iced matcha lattes!

Looking Forward to 2024

What’s in store for your business in 2023? Maybe it’s a click-worthy newsletter? A fresh and tactical new website? Perhaps a new, modern look to your social media? Whether your business is in need of a total overhaul or simply a side of social media support to achieve your goals in the New Year, Refresh Digital Strategy is ready and willing to help.

Unlike large agencies, we offer an up close and personal approach to client relations. Our clients are treated as family, and we work on a personal level to monitor your content, make adjustments quickly, and offer undivided attention to each and every element of your marketing to ensure success at every stage. Since we’re digital marketing experts, you can rest assured that every single project — big or small — we take on will add value and strengthen your brand, not dismantle it.

Our team is strategic, creative, and passionate about bold marketing that makes a big impact. Contact us today to get the ball rolling. As we step into 2024, we're excited to build on this foundation of success together. Our commitment to our clients and passion for digital excellence will continue to drive us forward. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey this year. Here's to achieving even greater heights together in 2024!

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